Digital wallet transfer

Make online transfers to your family and friends using TrabajoPagos. No matter where they are, move and collect your funds with preferred currencies. You can enjoy flexibility and financial freedom with cross-border transfers

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Manage your transactions anywhere, anytime

TrabajoPagos makes it easy to collect, move, and use your funds around the world. Manage your expenses from one account to transfer your money with a cashless, secure method.

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Make important transfers while you’re on the go.

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Complete international transfers.

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Enjoy competitive, flat rate transfer fees.

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Benefit from a mid-market exchange rate with zero markup.

Make transfers the way you want to

Take advantage of three money transfer methods to transfer funds across the world quickly and securely.

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Scan a QR code from our free app.

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Send from a KogoPAY account to a friend or seller.

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Pay the way you want to—tap, insert card, or by a digital wallet.

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Send to a bank account globally with an IBAN or SWIFT code.